To Wendy Delorme and Emilie Jouvet

I don't know who will have had read this very long statement. Usually i am ignored, not at the good side of the gender spectrum put in a FEMinazist battle, i have not an angelic face with pretty blue eyes and i have never been given the occasion to speak out.

I had this final note for those who have pushed you, used you, and promoted themselves behind you, Mlle Wendy Delorme and Emilie Jouvet, who cowardise is egal to their ego and who activelly participated in défamation and harassing pretending to fight against violence against women. They have never had another target than me, and another story.

If this statement and the real documents that i share are disreagarded, denied, boycotted, refused, erased, at least it will enlight your faschit conception of the « truth », your fake justice, your denying of equality, your hypocrisy when you say that you give the other the occasion to talk back, it will show your fucked up politics, that are dangerous, and similar to every dictature that ever exist.

You, and your instrumentalisation of others and their true feminist beliefs and desire to act, you, and your egotic self promotion.
People are not dumb, and more and more people see through you. They witness the rage and energy you give into attacking my personnal work, and the abusive use you do of your artist name to open the journalist ears, without the bravery to eventually face a difamation trial.

You try to manipulate the lgbt medias to boycott my work, by pressuring them with the possible guilt to be « encouraging violence against women and promoting rapists». I am not a rapist, though you esthablished it to your audience using your name as credibility. You should go do benefit work for survivors in associations fighting everyday the violences perpetuated against women to face reality, where being a victim is not a pretext to organise parties and sell movies, where you would be obscen for using it for your own benefits.
But you don't care about women, out of you, your belly button, your friends, and those you manipulate.
You stay in the confort of this community where you want to be established as quees, giving you the right to harass, slander, boycot and ban.

You find yourself legitimate to destroy/attempt to destroy other peoples work, not only mine, but the work of the tens of FtMs who participated in this project, the tarductors, the exhibit organisators, festival organisators, people choosing me to design the flyer of their party, those who just have the right to choose to use my work, and to distribute my work doing peacefully their work without being harassed. You don't respect people free will to come see this work (you no body forces you to) and you colonise our trans space and actions with your obligation of feminist rage. Some space are about people not politics.

With the systematic going after everyone that chooses to work with me, you harass those who publicly defend me (on their own reaction and open eyes to your revolting methods) with the courage and strengh that you are so often talking about: speak out loud their personnal opinion.
You don't give them any credit, moke them, tell them they are « under my charms » and « manipulated » you who were sucking your thumb in your baby pyjamas when they were fighting for your rights. A feminist like you.
Oh no true, not like you, so you are totally fine telling her that « she can't know rape »
you really misrispect and don't get trans people do you? Are women only strong when they are following your opinion?

You pretend that you are strong you are vain, you say you are brave you are cowards!
You are similar to Evan Chandler.
In 1993 Jordan chandler accuses Michael Jackson of molestation, it will ruin the artist life and carrier. When he dies last summer, Jordan confess that his father Evan Chandler pushed him to lie to escape being poor. And that Michael never molested him. Sadly too late.
I don't have any clear opinion on MJ story but i do have one about justice, it does not exist when lies are tolerated.

Eventhough you give, hours and even days to try to get my show cancelled or sabotage the surveys (you really hate when people are thinking by themselves), you never gave two minutes of your time to go talk to my girlfriend, the one the closest to the monster, the more in danger from your sayings. Don't you care about her? You say you want to save women, you say you want to stop the story to happen again. By ignoring her you show that you don't care and don't even considerate her as a person. Not wanting to face her opinion.
The choice of the people and situation you speak up clearly show your real intention anyway.

You used me for years. Taking portraits of you, documenting your shows, acting in your movies, to assure yourself a good promortion and a queer trans friendly credibility. When the wind changed, interested and opportunists as you are, you fastly changed sides, babled mediocre excuses and justification in your 2010 whishes, and made peace (and promotion) with your yesterday's sociologue ennemies. Yeah we got out of this mess, and now we are Heroins, and we can make art with our new californian friends.

You are opportunists, selling your work on the website of the past fake victims, revealing your true interest: selling yourself.

I'm not like you ladies. I have nothing to sell! It's been 6 years than i distribute my work for free! I don't need promotion, I don't have cinema tickets to sell, dvd or books. And not even my good moral. That what made me what i am, to not give a damn shit about what people think about you, as a trans, a lesbian, a person of color, and now a man i have been called many many thing in my life, i'll never be normal or good. I leave the good morality to ideologists.
One of you studied lgbt marketting and communication, you know that being a good activist and a good feminist make you politicaly attractive ;) and queer aproved.
And you Louise de Ville that i answer earlier in my statement, you need attention to exist, those who know you in your private life know it, those who know you as the pubic person that you are can see it by the choice of your work.
You three are self centered, and interested only in your own promotion, having fans and real activists around you. But if you care so much about violence and abuse of women, why you center your project on me? Why you don't give out link of associations that could help women and victims of abuse? Consider may be the pain of other victims but yourselves? And not taking your camera or your pen to self promote yourself one 100th time.
You are living in close circuit, everything is about you, from you, or done to you. With your ever ready 2 sets of rules (one for you one for the others) you don't ever recognise the abuse when it's you who perpetuate it and you encourage people to in your video.

You had abusive relationship in the past.
You abused physicaly and psychologicaly some of your lovers.
You Emilie Jouvet, you had sold a portfolio of your work in 2005 to « de l'air » magazine, with picture of your ex FtM lover taken before his transition, in a private context, he was naked, breast showing, attached to a wall with ducktape. He has told you that he didn't want his pictures to be shared, or seen, instead you published them in a magazine, without even telling him, without his consent.
(the poor guy will learn it from a phone call of someone telling him « hey i've seen you naked in a magazine! »)

You had already did that once with pictures you took of me when we were lovers, in a private context, me naked under the shower, breast showing of course because that is the only look you had on FtMs. I was not ok to have theese pictures released, i was not informed and i had never signed a model release, and you included them in a ALL WOMAN festival (the cineffable) in 2004.

You throw your face in front of all the camera and mic during the manifestation, to the point that when you see a parisian lesbian voice in a video of yagg its you or one of your crew, who always give a radical opinion about sexual abuse and rape in LGBT community and calling people to boycot sexual offenders.
So it's very « Do as i say, don't do as i do » because you feature me since 2005 in your movie One Night Stand, in the cover jacket, and on the movie you screen in festivals. Stop using my image if you are authentic! Each time you use it it is against my will, i don't want to appear in your movie, i don't want you to promote me as a porn star when it sells and as a rapist when. it sells.

I'd like people to know that i am legally fighting you about this for a couple of months now. I had wrote you offical letters to have you respect the legal terms of my contract. Get the percentage of benefits of the selling that you promessed the actors. And that you stealed since 2008 while selling each DVD 40€!!

I wrote you many letters to ask my 2008 salary (90€ as Hysterie Prod who distributed your movie has informed all the actors) and asking for my 2009 also.
You send me back a letter adressed to « all the actors » saying the good news that you finally were in a position to pay all of us! And that the salary that we owned for 2009 was 7€62!
of which you took out the 5€ for the recommandé letter...

2€62, the price of the respect and consideration toward the actors of One Night Stand.

I verified and called my sex partner in the movie, that i kept as a friend through all theese years, to ask if she had hear about you. If you wrote all the actors as you said, then you must have wrote her. She had no news from you of course!
She actually wanted to ask her salary in 2008, but as a friend of yours i had been your advocate of your situation, and convince her not to ask it from you. She joined me in asking her du, and getting out of professionnal collaboration and misrepresentation with you for her personnal reasons that you (and your partner at the time) treated her like shit because she was straight, because that when you were featured at the art party she was organising your fucked up attitude toward the bar that was sponsoring the event make them so mad that they cut their collaborations, and that you imposed you DJ all the night stealing the other dj time set. You ever only contacted her to ask her something, nevermind to invit her to the screanings, never cared to send her updates and articles about the movie.

You justify the 2€62 because you had to buy your movie back to not lose your rights on it. So you actually bought your own movie on the salary of your actors!!!!
But we'll see that with her lawyers.

As your close friend, you told me all your secrets, love affairs etc and we shared our project. I've seen in your living room all the unedited scenes of your movies, asthma attacks and other fails. You used to talk with no respect at all about the people getting undressed for you.
And if you want to pretend that you are radical against violence and sexual abuse, in your movie Underground, you edited a scene with a sexual abuse. 
The victim was Wendy.
You never accused or confront this woman of her acts, in front of the camera and at the sex party when she also agressed Wendy. You never persecuted her. Instead you screened the scene.

Here is the Chat where you tell me about it:

Le 01/08/08
emilie: yo
16:08You here?
 moi: Yes but i'm with my mom!
So i heard you were in the Inrocks magazine?
16:10 emilie: Yes! And you are in Lmag?
 moi: Class! what Lmag?
 emilie: Yeah it was cool, really DIY but they seems to like it!
16:14 What? You haven't received a mail from the Crazy one?
 moi: heu... no? Who?
 emilie: You know C.R, she kept ruining the porn shooting.
16:15 moi: Really??
oh yes! She asked me and then didn't write me back, i offered her pictures but i haven't heard about her since...
16:16 emilie: Really...
It's weird she writes me email saying she picked you to illustrate her article on the lesbian scene.
16:17 moi: yes yes
 emilie: for Lmag
You read it?
16:18 moi: yes
 emilie: So, how is it? We freak out with Wendy because she sabotaged us
16:19 moi: What sabotage?
(you haven't read the article?)
 emilie: no
 moi: you want me to forward it to you?
 emilie: Yes please!
16:20 oh you don't know the story it seems...!
 moi: no tell me
16:21 ("Entre des pratiques de genre et une sexualité peinant à se libérer et un militantisme queer petit mais bien vivant, la scène lesbienne parisienne n'est pas exempte de contradictions. Ni de danger.")
16:23 emilie: Pff Hard to tell like that, i'll tell you in person when i'll see you, but Wendy don't want to talk to her anymore.
16:24 moi: What???
  They were like sisters...
16:26 (you read it?)
 emilie: Yes i read it, its ok.
 moi: Yeah i don't really get her introduction when i read the article...
  (i re read)
16:28 emilie: Well what happen is that: She destroyed her on the shooting, keeping hiting her dildo with her fist, i had to stop the scene a couple of time because Wendy was too much in pain, but she didn't get it, completely retarded.
After she wanted B. To fuck her ass but she didn't cleaned it, there was shit everywhere and B. Was so disguted he had to stop.
16:30 ect ect After at a sex party she stepped in a daddy/girl role play that Wendy was playing with a lover because she was shocked.
Insulting Wendy.
 moi: ooooooh i think wendy told me about something like that...
 emilie: she probably have
16:31 moi: about the porn shooting.
16:32 emilie: So she's totally black listed lol
 moi: ok i see that... you had a fight with her too?
16:33 She was at the Fem party last week.
 emilie: I don't think so
 moi: yes she was
  I have a doubt.
  But i think she was.
16:34 emilie: I don't remember! I really don't think so!
  No she wasn't it's sure.
16:35 but she asked me info about the party by emails.
 moi: oh shit who did i thought was her! loool
 emilie: I don't want to have a fight with her, but i wanted to kill her all along the porn shooting lol
 moi: I said to someone "hi! C." like an idiot...
16:37 emilie: arf
16:39 moi: So not a good fuck C.
16:40 emilie: my god... She took out baby wipes to clean Wendy without asking her (hallucination)
like you are in the middle of a fucking scene and surprise! I clean your pussy with my cold yeuky baby wipes!
 moi: ??
16:42 emilie: fuck yeah, we start to shoot, 1st scene of the movie, and blam, in the middle of the action the big pack of baby wipes in Wendy's cunt!
16:43 moi: lmao
16:45 so classy...
16:47 emilie: yeah
16:48 I'll telling you all the juicy details, it's crazy!
 moi: love the baby wipes thing, i don't know if it was meant to be insulting, it could have been a carring attention.
16:49 emilie: Heu no, really in the middle of a movie it is not carring at all
16:50 after, she told me that for her Wendy was a porn actress so it was only fair to pound her and clean her. (!!!)
 moi: whoooo....
 emilie: yeah it goes far.
 moi: she must have luuuved it...
16:51 emilie: Wendy freaked out you can imagine... And that she came insulting her at the sex party while she was orgasming finished to pissed her out.
(and to piss out Wendy one really need a lot)
16:53 moi: Why insult her?
16:59 emilie: Well i wasn't there... but apparentely she couldn't take the daddy/girl sweet sex talk than Wendy and her partnerS were sharing. She became crazy and she assaulted Wendy.
17:00 Wendy will tell her you better than me, but it's surely the non safe thing to do in a sex party!
17:01 moi: pfff
 emilie: I gotta run baby, so we see each other one on one soon?
17:02 moi: where you go?
 emilie: I go see A. For our montpellier video.
 moi: I'm bored lol...
  You come in the neighbourhood, if she manage to make you move and not me i'm gonna be vex!
17:03 you'll go crazy on my bedroom, i just painted it purple
 emilie: oh wahou
 moi: so pretty
 emilie: I call you after A. ok?

And you Wendy delorme who take your most dramatic face to say that violence is silence, violence happen sometimes under your own eyes and you blind yourself to react, and don't want to admit that people that are close to you are being abused.
After moving out of our appartment you took a room in an old friends and lovers appartement.
For the following 2 years, you and your lover at the time, will consider and say that your friend and her partner shared an « abusive relationship », you said it on many occasion, saying that one partner was humiliating constantely the other.
You and him told me that. Have you spoke up? Tried to do something? Try to stop what was happening in front of your eyes, under your roof everyday?? Have you attacked, pointed this person, harassed her, told her to get « help » and tried to fight for a safe community in your household?
You planned to left this share appartment, and you did finally for berlin. Your tranquillity is the only thing that matter to your eyes. And as for the woman that you thought was abusive: she works for you (and emilie jouvet) today. For free.

You are worst than those stars who take a cause under their wing, and that talk about africa or aids, with a cd to sell in their pocket. Because you hide yourself behind your activist identity and you use feminism.

News for you: activists are people that are not seeking attention but action, they don't have time to work on becoming stars because they are working on changing the world for the people they care about, participating to project where they don't top list their name, who don't care about postery or their public carrier.

Now you pose yourselves as the new faces of the fight against domestic violence (good its 2010 and it is the offical national cause) like you were doing with the trans cause in 2005 when you were walking at the head of the Existrans march, Topless, once agains a very appropriate and humble attitude.
Where were you those past years? After the selling of your « queer and trans » movie that you let the press often refeer to as « the first lesbian french porn ». Or after selling your books stealing your FtM ex lovers and friend life and metaphors. This winter you Wendy wrote this awfull revolting text about FtMs, how they were all coming out of your vagina, them little weak thing that they were, how you were at the origins of their strong identity quote « I need so much balls in my life to give you symbolic ones »...
If the question of your origins were to be changed, i would never told you that you are a FEM when you didn't know the word. And i wouldn't be the one fisting you for the first time.
You realized that the cause was not a good business and the individual not good soldiers and one after the other, you broke up your relationship with your FtM lovers.
May be have you finally realised that they were men like other men. And that you don't want any in your life.
Instead we could talk about the « Fem Menace » and the butch surprise gang bang that you were organising in the intention to fuck or get fucked by a butch that you picked in a secret reunion. You would choose a night, a time and attack her for her own pleasure. I haven't heard about no one complaigning about it, but the question of consent of a surprise attack is totally left out. If it was FtMs planning on surprise attacking Fem you would have already called them rapists.

After the « Fem Menace » you are now part of this group « engagées enragées » and post and repost with rage it is true, this one and only testimony #6, the only one where the agressor is known of everyone.

You perfectly picked a good name for your action because « rage » (not sure about the translation of the disease) is a virus who give cephalitis to infected humans along with extreme agressivity. People suffers from hallucination and delirium and bite others to infect them, the virus being contained in their body fluids. Like their tears, their spit, and they shit.

Before someone say that i could have writen those documents i had screen copies, and my dorr is open to objective witnesses to verify them as genuine.

It is a noble cause and it is sad, i hope you wil stop hurting it with the circus that you make out of it, without feeling ashamed of using a cause to solve your personnal promel and to self promote yourselves.
Feminism is nos FEMinazism. And it's important to be « engaged » in a fight, but totally unsafe to be « enraged ».